Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Swiss Style Design

Surprise Surprise, I was truly inspired by Monday's lecture on typography. I think typography will slowly be growing on me this term. It's interesting to view typography as a fixed object, once wood, now steal or lead and now its all over the web. Something once so physical now so virtual. Wonder if it is a good thing or not? I guess it is versatile in a way and allows a lot of freedom. There are specific styles of typography that I personally find so aesthetically pleasing that I can easily look at it all day, and that would be the Swiss style. I agree that its more than just a design, but one that is systematic and clear and something that has seeped into the world and contributed to our lives. For those of you who know the typeface: Helvetica, it changed the world, and now probably over used a lot. If you look around, you will most probably spot it.

Here are a few Swiss style typography designs. Look at it and you will know what I mean.Oh and a website that really encapsulates it.

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