I have just been widening my scope of choices for Internship placements and looking towards interning in Singapore. Since it is fast paced and I will probably learn a lot through out my time there If anyone is willing to give me a place :D. Just came across a digital agency called The Upper Room . The motion graphics they produce were amazing. Just to think that motion graphics is steadily on the rise and beyond that it is time to learn more about it. Well I suppose our current project is sort of based on digital media. Let's have a sneak peak at what I have been up to lately.
Project brief:
Green & Black's wants us to develop a marketing campaign that gives new consumers a motivating reason to trade up to Green & Black's above the other premium chocolate brands out there. The creative challenge is to recreate the buzz behind the Green & Black's brand to encourage even more consumers to try us and fall in love with us.
While they want to broaden the appeal of Green & Black's, it must maintain its premium nature and not dumb down. Let the people go to them.
We are to use digital media or a range to help promote our message and get Green & Black's noticed by my target audience of male aged 25-35.
Part of my solution: Iphone App
Is to create a Green & Black's Adventure Campaign. Simple and Easy!
1. Download App
2. Collect 5 different flavours by scanning code or login code number.
3. Once completed, Submit details and choice of adventure from list that G&B will sponsor you.
4. FACEBOOK IT!: Opportunity to share app & campaign through Facebook and share which flavour you think is the most adventurous.
5. TWEET IT!: Tweet your most adventurous flavour along with a mini adventure story you got from the flavour you chose.